Ontario Greens: Fighting for a stronger, more caring, Ontario

During the 2022 Ontario election, the Ontario Greens were facing unprecedented communications demands—forcing the team to seek out overflow support. From rack cards to campaign emails, they turned to us when the deadlines got just a tad too tight—and the work started piling up a bit too much.

This rack card was one of the deliverables they asked us to write—and, while it seems simple enough, it was deceptively challenging! Incumbent MPP Mike Schreiner had a lot of wins under his belt—and the party wanted to highlight as many of them as possible. The challenge? Due to space restrictions, we only had room for approximately 100 words. To complicate matters further, there were specific words, phrases and slogans the party wanted to include to make sure the piece was consistent with other provincial marketing efforts.

We collaborated with the Ontario Greens to determine the most appropriate “wins” to highlight—and then worked to pack as much information as possible into each “bucket” (which ended up being 30 words or less). The final card ended up being distributed by door-knockers during the first leg of the campaign—and we’d like to think played a small part in contributing to Mike’s historic win.


Innovation North

